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Did L care about Watari?

Though L cared for Watari, the two didn't have a lot in common. Watari was more of L's caretaker than his friend. When meeting Light, however, he told him that he considered the young detective to be his first friend. L also seemed to be happy when gaining Misa's friendship. 30 ott 2020

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Did light care about L at all?

Quando ha perso i suoi ricordi, non ha pensato a L come a un amico. Sono abbastanza sicuro che ucciderebbe L se fosse visto come sospetto.

Is Ryuk a demon?

The name Ryuk appears to be a reference to a character in the popular anime and manga series “Death Note.” In the comics, Ryuk is a demon of death who, bored with his immortality, decides to introduce into the world a notebook that allows its finder to kill anyone by writing their name. Tenendo presente questo,, is ryuk a human? Ryuk has a fairly humanoid appearance.

Is Death Note real?

No, Death Note is not real as it is very unlikely to happen. Tenendo presente questo,, is light asexual? Light Yagami was neither gay nor asexual. But the episodes post L's death shows that he was having a sexual relationship with Misa as evidenced by her candles and dresses when they were together. Besides he lived 6 years with her as a couple and it would have been tough to hide his real sexuality.

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Did Ryuk care about light?

Lasciò cadere il biglietto di morte di proposito in modo che qualcuno lo trovasse e non gli importava affatto della Luce.

Si può anche chiedere:, is l an antihero?

Here, Light started as an anti-hero, but since he started doing bad things he became a villain instead of a hero. Light is a hero because he only killed criminals. L is secretly a criminal. Allora,, is l the protagonist? L Lawliet, also referred to as Ryūzaki, is the heroic main antagonist of the anime and manga series Death Note, serving as the main antagonist of the first half of the series and the posthumous overarching antagonist of the second half. He is also the titular protagonist of the film L: Change the WorLd.

Di conseguenza,, what was lights iq?

Originally Answered: What is Light Yagami's IQ? Yagami Light's IQ: 215–230. A lot of people fail to understand that an IQ test measures certain types of abilities in relation to short-term memory, analytical thinking, spatial recognition and more.

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