Gufosaggio > W > What Happens To L After He Dies?

What happens to L after he dies?

When L died, Light was certain he had won, but as Light dies, L is basically saying that not only did he always know he was Kira, but that even after death, he won. This ending itself, with L's image, is actually exclusive to the anime and did not happen in the manga.

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Dopo la morte di Light e il suo ritorno nel regno Shinigami, Ryuk diventa popolare tra gli altri Shinigami a causa del suo tempo nel Mondo Umano con la Luce. Uno Shinigami senza nome visita Ryuk per ascoltare la sua storia.

Inoltre,, what is l's age?

L (Death Note) Series Death Note Age 24-25 Birthday Sex Male Altre 6 righe Tenendo presente questo,, when was l born? L was born on, in the manga and 1982 in the anime. L is the world's best detective but conceals his identity while working on cases.

Di conseguenza,, how tall is ryuzaki?

Ryuzaki has the same height as Light with an exact measurement of 179 centimeters. Finally, we have Teru as the smallest among the tallest characters in the anime series.

Di Miquela Chiappetta

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