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How old is Near when L dies?

According to the manga, Near was born in 1991, while the anime is set a few years later making Near's birth 1994. This would mean that at the conclusion of part one, when L is defeated by Kira, Near is 13 years old.

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What happens to Ryuk after Light dies?

Dopo la morte di Light e il suo ritorno nel regno Shinigami, Ryuk diventa popolare tra gli altri Shinigami a causa del suo tempo nel Mondo Umano con la Luce. Uno Shinigami senza nome visita Ryuk per ascoltare la sua storia.

Is Near L's son?

Near is one of L's successors but they never met in person and aren't related. I believe that the novel L: Change The World explained how children from Wammy's became experts in all different types of fields. That way, if L needed to he could contact a team of say bio weapons experts if he ever needed to. Di conseguenza,, did l care about mello and near? Two orphans from Wammy's House were worthy of being L's successor, Near and Mello. However, L died before he decided who would take his name. Due to Mello not liking Near, he refused the offer of the two of them working together and Near became L's successor.

Why is RYUK obsessed with apples?

He likes apples from the human world because he finds them "juicy" and stated that they are an addiction for him, like alcohol or cigarettes for humans. Apples become a very popular commodity or currency in the Shinigami Realm when Ryuk returns with an unknown quantity after the end of the series. Di conseguenza,, who was smarter l or near? Apart from L, Near is easily the next-smartest character in the series, smarter even than his partner, Mello. The reason being is that Near is the one who actually manages to survive. … That said, Mello takes over as the new L and manages to outsmart Light and figure out his identity as Kira.

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What happens to L after he dies?

Quando Light morì, era certo di aver vinto, ma stava anche dicendo che sapeva sempre di essere Kira. Il finale con l'immagine di L è esclusivo dell'animazione e non del libro.

How tall is ryuzaki?

Ryuzaki has the same height as Light with an exact measurement of 179 centimeters. Finally, we have Teru as the smallest among the tallest characters in the anime series.

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