Gufosaggio > W > Who Was Gelus In Love With?

Who was gelus in love with?

Misa Amane Gelus, a Shinigami, fell in love with Misa Amane and used his Death Note to kill the man who was destined to kill her. Gelus died as a result, leaving only his Death Note behind. The notebook was repossessed by Rem, who took it to the human world and gave it to Misa, whom Rem believed was supposed to have it.

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Come si scrive I love you I love you?

I Ti voglio bene! Ti amo!

Why did Ryuk write Lights name?

At the end, he saw that Light had lost and was doomed to go to prison, and Ryuk didn't have the patience to wait for Light to pass, so he wrote his name in the notebook to just get it over with. Is L better than light? L is. Yes, both characters had victories and defeats. Instances when they outwitted the other or were outwitted themselves. But there's one simple fact that is undeniable: Light has such a significant advantage that the fact that they were close indicates that L is far smarter.

Riguardo a questo,, who has the most iq in death note?

Death Note: The 10 Smartest Characters, Ranked 1 NEAR. While all of them have their suspicions, Near is the only one of Death Note's trio of young detectives able to provide indisputable evidence of Light's guilt. 2 LIGHT YAGAMI. 3 L. 4 MELLO. 5 WATARI/ROGER RUVIE. 6 TERU MIKAMI. 7 REIJI NAMIKAWA. 8 HALLE LIDNER. Di conseguenza,, what is senku's iq? between 180 and 220 Senku likely has an IQ between 180 and 220 After all, on top of discovering a solution to cure people of their petrification, he's also invented walkie-talkies, gas masks, antibiotics, and even uncovered a way to harness electricity.

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Come dire I Love You nel linguaggio dei segni?

Per dire "Ti amo, o meglio ti amo, prima fai un pugno, non troppo stretto, alza il mignolo, e poi l'indice, e infine alza il pollice: in questo modo l'indice e il pollice formano la lettera L".

What is MISA lifespan?

By that Misa is 48 and Light 63. I have a theory of my own, if you'd like to hear it. If you look at the characters life spans you'll notice it's mostly made up of multiple 1-digit numbers and then a single 2-digit number. The number of numbers also differs like Light has 5 numbers in his lifespan and Misa has 6.

Di Maddeu Gribbins

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