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Where is trousers mentioned in the Bible?

There is no scripture in the Bible that says a woman should not wear trousers. It is not in Deuteronomy as being quoted. How Sinful Is Wearing Of Trousers By Christian Sisters? JAIZBANK 0.57 17,652,122 SOVRENINS 0.28 9,998,686 Altre 3 righe •

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Today, females find tight clothing sexy and attractive, especially when it comes to their jeans. Men stay away from wearing tight clothing because of its lack of sex appeal. Women embrace tight clothing as something that will enhance the curves of their body and make them appear more attractive to the opposite sex. Are trousers American or British? British English American English Trousers Pants Pants / Underwear / Knickers Underwear / panties briefs/underpants shorts/jockey shorts Jumper / Pullover / Sweater / Jersey Sweater Altre 19 righe

Why are trousers called trousers?

The origin: trousers (n.) "garment for men, covering the lower body and each leg separately," 1610s, earlier trouzes (1580s), extended from trouse(1570s), with plural ending typical of things in pairs, from Gaelic or Middle Irish triubhas "close-fitting shorts," of uncertain origin. Why do ladies wear trousers? As activities such as tennis, cycling, and horseback riding became more popular at the turn of the century, women turned to trousers or knickerbockers to provide comfort and freedom of movement in these activities, and some laws made allowances for women's wearing of trousers during these activities.

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What is the difference between pants and trousers?

C'è una parte separata per ogni gamba nei pantaloni, che è un indumento esterno. Il termine pantaloni è usato per la biancheria intima.

Who was the first woman to wear trousers?

Elizabeth Smith Miller is often credited as the first modern woman to wear pants. Miller was a suffragette. Her goal in the 1800s was to help women in the United States win the right to vote. Who invented jeans? Jacob W. Davis Levi Strauss Jeans / Inventors Two men received a patent on “waist overalls” reinforced with copper rivets–what we now know as blue jeans. One of the men was Levi Strauss (1829-1902), whose name lives on through Levi Strauss & Company. The other patent recipient was Jacob Davis, the tailor who actually invented the denim pant with rivets.

Di Rosane Parmita

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