Gufosaggio > C > Can I Say Submitted?

Can I say submitted?

Present perfect tense is used, because the actions related to your application (review and decision) are in the present time frame. Past perfect would be correct if those actions were completed: I had submitted the application, but the position was already filled.

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Can we say the Europe?

Non si mette la parola prima dell'Europa in inglese. A meno che non ci sia un nome comune nel nome del paese, la maggior parte dei nomi dei paesi sono gli stessi. Stati Uniti e Regno Unito. Si potrebbe dire che viaggerò in Europa se ci fosse un treno o un aereo chiamato Europa.

Riguardo a questo,, how do you write resubmit?

“Resubmit” is the correct spelling, not “re-submit,” and the unhyphenated word is the one you will find in recognized dictionaries. Riguardo a questo,, would sent or would send? Would send would be be correct usage to indicate the future (to be sent) and sent would be correct usage to indicate the past (already sent). Let us consider using would send and sent in expanded sentences that would explain the contexts in a clearer fashion.

Will be sending grammar?

“Will be sent” is passive voice of simple future form. “Will be sending” is the passive voice of future continuous form. What is the correct word of send? verb (used with object), sent, send·ing. to cause, permit, or enable to go: to send a messenger; They sent their son to college. to cause to be conveyed or transmitted to a destination: to send a letter.

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Can we say the Europe?

Can you send me or could you send me?

All are grammatically correct. Both are fine grammatically, but it appears that you are aiming for a relatively formal setting in which case "Could" is slightly more formal-sounding. Neither would be incorrect, however.

Di Kenny

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