Gufosaggio > C > Can I Send Or Send?

Can I send or send?

You can use both of them interchangebly if you want but if you want to sound kind and formal use ""could"". ""Can you send it to me?"" may sound rude . Also ""can ""has the meaning of ability to do someting..

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What is correct Send me or send to me?

È corretto inviarmelo. Non è usato nella scrittura formale. Invialo qui o invialo ci sono alcune indicazioni generali. Di solito diciamo inviato a me o inviato a lei.

Di conseguenza,, can you send synonyms?

In this page you can discover 102 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for send, like: ship, conduct, consign, communicate, transmit, address, commission, forward, broadcast, launch and provide with credentials. What is sent in email? With e-mail, Sent or Sent items is a folder or area that stores any e-mails that were successfully delivered. The sent items is different than the outbox, which is a location where e-mail stays until it is delivered.

Allora,, had sent or had send?

When you have stated the time, you don't say 'have sent' or 'had sent'. Just 'sent'. But, what if I [STRIKE]wanna [/STRIKE] want to say that I sent something two days ago.. This is correct - simple past tense. Di conseguenza,, how do i spell 1000? If you have saved 1000 dollars, then you can write, “I have just saved One Thousand dollars.” One Thousand is the cardinal number word of 1000 which denotes a quantity. Problem Statements: How to Write 1000 in Words? One Thousand Is 1000 an Odd Number? No Altre 7 righe

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Is it send me or send to me?

Di conseguenza,, how do you spell 21?

21 in words is written as Twenty One.

Di Fraser Mccubrey

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