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Can a person have 2 permanent residency?

The simple answer is no, to maintain Permanent Residency one should reside in the country where PR has been obtained, one cannot be in two countries same time to meet the PR requirements.

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Per giocare una grande difesa sulla palla, devi desiderare di essere un grande difensore. Rimani in una posizione equilibrata. Il giocatore offensivo dovrebbe essere costretto alla linea laterale o alla linea di base. In ogni momento, mantieni una distanza di un braccio. Non guardare il petto dell'avversario.

Can permanent residents get a passport?

Green card holders cannot obtain a United States passport unless they first become citizens. Green card holders can travel throughout the United States and U.S. territories without a passport. Di conseguenza,, are you authorized to work in the us without sponsorship? Unfortunately, most employment visas require you to have a job offer and an employment sponsor to obtain a work visa. Part of the U.S. visa application process requires an employer to file a petition on your behalf. That is why most applicants are unable to get a U.S. work visa without an employer sponsor.

Riguardo a questo,, what is h1b visa?

The H-1B visa is a nonimmigrant work visa that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign workers for specialty jobs that require a bachelor's degree or equivalent. This can include occupations in fields such as IT, finance, engineering, architecture or more. The H-1B Visa Process. Does H-1B lead to green card? Yes, all H1B visa applicants are eligible to apply for a green card after their H1B expires, because the visa is dual-intent. If a permit is of dual-intent, that means that you have the option to submit paperwork for a green card.

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Una persona, un'azienda o un'entità reale deve essere rappresentata nel tuo account. È possibile verificare un solo account per persona o azienda. Devi avere una biografia, una foto del profilo e almeno un post nel tuo account.

Rispetto a questo,, who is eligible for h-1b?

H1B Visa Eligibility Criteria To obtain the H1-B Visa, you must: Have 12 years of work experience. It can also be a mix of further education and work experience. Applicant must hold a bachelor's degree or its equivalent.

Di Ulick Yoshino

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