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What did Gowther say to Merlin?

Gowther tells Merlin that the armor was destroyed, and the Boar's Sin of Gluttony assures Gowther that she'll get him a replacement as soon as she can.

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Voleva mangiare anche la sua torta. Direi che è stato accettare sia i doni del re demone che la suprema divinità, che ha portato alla distruzione dell'isola.

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Mael is so powerful that after Meliodas' betrayal of the Demon Clan, to perverse the balance of power, Gowther was forced to convert him into Estarossa in order to tilt the power balance of the war in favor of the Demon Clan, forcing the Goddess Clan to perform the Coffin of Eternal Darkness. Rispetto a questo,, who meliodas mother? Artoria Artoria is the wife of the demon king and the mother of Meliodas, Selena and Zeldris. As well as the lover of the supreme deity and godmother of Elisabeth. Artoria is also the first host of chaos and the strongest woman of her time or even of all time.

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Per porre fine alla Guerra Santa, Gowther usò un incantesimo proibito che alterava i ricordi di un individuo, oltre a alterare i ricordi di tutti gli argomenti correlati, compresi gli dei più potenti.

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Lancelot「ランスロット」 is the son of Ban and Elaine.

Di Sternberg Bustillo

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