Gufosaggio > W > Why Can't Meliodas Stay On Earth?

Why can't Meliodas stay on Earth?

The answer is that he is simply too powerful. Meliodas mentions: The Demon King's power is great. Which means I will most likely not be able to stay in this world, Britannia, anymore.

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Why can't Meliodas stay on Earth?

È troppo potente. Il potere del Re Demone è grande. Molto probabilmente non sarò più in grado di rimanere in Britannia.

What did Gowther do to end the war?

It was stated by Ludociel that the Goddesses had to seal the Demons after their strongest warrior, Mael of the Four Archangels, was slain by Estarossa of the Ten Commandments but the truth was that Gowther had manipulated the Goddesses to end the Holy War by, with help from his doll, using a forbidden spell that would La gente chiede anche:, how did gowther become a sin? When Nadja dies in his arms, Gowther desperately tries to save her by implanting his artificial heart, but it did not work. When the guards found him, he was accused of forcing Nadja into vile sexual acts that ended with her death, sentencing him to death as the sin of lust.

Who killed Mael?

Younger brother to Ludociel, Mael eventually surpassed his sibling and became feared by the Demon Clan and all of its subsidiaries. 3,000 years ago though, when the Holy War was at its most brutal, Mael was killed in battle by Estarossa, second son of the Demon King. Allora,, is mael stronger than meliodas? We also know that Meliodas is the second strongest from the Demon Realm. Mael is also known as the strongest warrior from the Celestial Realm.

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Di Susy Netherton

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