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Who killed Krillin?

Piccolo Daimao Three years later, Krillin enters the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budōkai. Again, he makes it to the semi-finals by defeating Chaozu, but loses to Goku. Soon after, Krillin is killed by a henchman of Piccolo Daimao, who wanted to steal Goku's Dragon Ball. After Goku defeats Piccolo, Krillin is revived by the Dragon Balls.

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He was successful in hiding until the androids decided to bomb the entire area in hopes of driving them out. Future Gohan manages to protect Trunks and stay hidden, but at the cost of his left arm, which is completely blown off in the bombing. Is Goku a God? Goku is also stated to be the 'God of the Dragons' as the 'First Omni-King' was said to be the most powerful dragon in existence. It is stated by Shido that Goku can easily erase Erion and also his former and most powerful incarnation the Fallen by only in his base and Super Saiyan forms.

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His recent return in Dragon Ball Super is no different, as it in turn revealed a new version of Goku, called Goku Black. However, some fans are postulating that this could be an older Goten but that's unlikely considering what we already know. To clarify, Goten is Gohan's younger brother and Goku's son. How did Goten turn Super Saiyan? In Toriyama's interview, small picture of Goten is seen with a caption underneath explaining the boy's Super Saiyan talents. "He was able to easily become Super Saiyan thanks to inheriting lots of S-Cells," the piece confirmed. 30 nov 2017

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Il potere di Goten Battle non è l'essere-tutto e il fine-tutto. Permettendo al bambino in età prescolare di non andare Super Saiyan, Krillin potrebbe essere in grado di segnare una vittoria contro Goten.

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His full name is Son Goku, because in Japanese the family name goes before the given name. His adoptive grandfather and oldest son are both called Son Gohan, and his younger son is Son Goten.

Di Edmead

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