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Who killed Gohan?

15 Gohan - 1 time The second time Gohan died was much more permanent. He was killed by Androids 17 and 18 in the Future Trunks' timeline. They overwhelmed him with energy blasts while he was in his Super Saiyan form. His body was found by Trunk.

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Who killed Krillin?

Il 22° Tenka'ichi Budkai è tre anni dopo il Piccolo Daimao. Arrivò in semifinale sconfiggendo Chaozu, ma perse contro Goku. Lo scagnozzo di Piccolo Daimao voleva rubare Dragon Ball. Le Sfere del Drago rianimarono Krillin dopo che fu sconfitto da Piccolo.

Who killed Krillin?

Piccolo Daimao Three years later, Krillin enters the 22nd Tenka'ichi Budōkai. Again, he makes it to the semi-finals by defeating Chaozu, but loses to Goku. Soon after, Krillin is killed by a henchman of Piccolo Daimao, who wanted to steal Goku's Dragon Ball. After Goku defeats Piccolo, Krillin is revived by the Dragon Balls. What happened to Saiyan tails? Goku. Goku's tail grows back during the fight with Giran Goku burned his tail as he was flying over the burning Fire Mountain. Goku loses his tail three times: the first time was when Puar transformed into a pair of scissors and cut it off after Goku transformed into a Great Ape in Pilaf's Castle.

Who can go Super Saiyan?

Any Saiyan can become a Super Saiyan, however, they require a large amount of S-Cells in order to take on the form, Saiyans who have a gentle spirit gain more S-Cells, but when a Saiyan increases their battle power, they steadily gain more S-Cells. Successivamente,, how did gohan lose his arm? He was successful in hiding until the androids decided to bomb the entire area in hopes of driving them out. Future Gohan manages to protect Trunks and stay hidden, but at the cost of his left arm, which is completely blown off in the bombing.

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A causa della morte di Future Beerus, Future Whis è inattivo fino a quando non viene nominato un nuovo Dio della Distruzione. Future Whis è stato uno degli Angeli che sono morti quando la linea temporale è stata cancellata da Future Zeno.

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Di Caspar Magin

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