Gufosaggio > W > What Is The Adjective Degree Of Comfortable?

What is the adjective degree of comfortable?

most comfortable is the superlative degree of adjective of comfortable.

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Is more an adjective?

Di più è una parola. Significa aggiuntivo, maggiore. Significa in misura maggiore.

Which is correct most proud or proudest?

A superlative adjective compares one thing to all the other things in its group. The rules are roughly the same as comparative adjectives and for that reason “the proudest” is the correct form. This is the proudest day of my life. I can't imagine “most proud” in place of “proudest” in this situation. Allora,, which is correct grammar prouder or more proud? To get back to the original debate, “proud” is one syllable. Thus, “prouder” is the correct form. This single-syllable adjective often seems to have more confusion than others, but technically, “prouder” is correct.

Di conseguenza,, is it narrower or more narrow?

According to our grammar rules the comaprison of "narrow" should be "narrower, narrowest". Is also acceptable to use "more narrow, most narrow"? Thanks again. The general rule of thumb is that the superlative doesn't need to be modified by an adjective like more, because superlatives are already dealing with degree. What is meant by wide and narrow? Narrow means less wide or to make less wide. A road might be too narrow for a car. When used to describe something physical such as a street or hips, narrow simply means not wide.

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Is 21ST an adjective?

21ST è molto raro. A quel tempo, c'era un lampo di raggi X luminoso visto nel 21 ° secolo.

Rispetto a questo,, what is the superlative of simple?

simplest So for the adjective simple, for example, the comparative form is simpler and the superlative form is simplest; and for the adverb boldly, the comparative form is more boldly and the superlative is most boldly. What is the comparative for easy? easier The comparative and superlative forms of easy are easier and easiest. This is much easier than it sounds. This was the easiest stage.

Di conseguenza,, what is a synonym simple definition?

1 : a word that has the same meaning as another word in the same language "Small" and "little" are synonyms. 2 : a word, name, or phrase that very strongly suggests a particular idea, quality, etc.

Di Steven

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