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Who is a ripoff of Superman?

2 Shazam. Speaking of Shazam, Billy Batson got his start as a rip-off of Superman. Originally a character from Fawcett Comics, The original Captain Marvel eventually found his way over to DC Comics after a series of lawsuits disputing the similarities of both characters.

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Who is Superman a ripoff of?

La risposta fu il dio del tuono. Superman era visto come un Dio dal popolo a causa dei suoi poteri, ma discendeva dal regno degli Dei. L'Universo DC è stato indicato come il Protettore dell'Universo DC dalla DC Comics. I nove regni sono protetti da Thor.

Who would win Thor or Sentry?

Sentry beats Thor in strength, speed, durability, and power. Yes, Thor's feats are impressive. But Sentry has gone toe-to-toe with World War Hulk (who took out Iron Man, Black Bolt, Dr. Strange, Thor and many others) and beat him to a stalemate. Can Black Adam beat Sentry? Black Adam will put a fight, but will definitely lose. If Sentry is « Void like » as seen in Dark Reign and Siege, Black Adam will be lucky if he even scratches him and will have no option but to die an horrible death, like Arès did.

Who is stronger Hyperion vs Sentry?

With this easily exploitable weakness, it is likely that in a clash between these two titans, Hyperion would emerge the victor over the Sentry, most likely in typical, bloody fashion. La gente chiede anche:, can a sentry beat galactus? Spider-Man emphasizes Sentry's strength and powers by revealing once fought Galactus "to a standstill." It's no surprise Sentry took on Galactus and survived the ordeal. Even if his fellow heroes don't remember, the Sentry was Marvel's most powerful hero, as his fight with Galactus proved how strong he truly was.

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Come descrivere Superman?

Superman è un supereroe come Ercole.

Di conseguenza,, who did sentry rip in half?

Even when matched up against a literal god, the Sentry has come out on top - as he once ripped Ares in half after his bad side started to show. The Sentry first debuted in The Sentry #1 by Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee. Di conseguenza,, can sentry be defeated? Originally Answered: If Sentry and Captain Marvel fight, who will win? This is Robert Reynolds, The Sentry. He just destroyed New Asgard on Earth. Yes, Thor can defeat Sentry.

Is Sentry the strongest?

The Sentry possesses vast superhuman strength, granting him the ability to lift (press) far in excess of 100 tons easily. He is one of the strongest beings in the Universe.

Di Tildy

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