Gufosaggio > W > Who Is Stronger Sentry Or Captain Marvel?

Who is stronger Sentry or Captain Marvel?

Sentry hands down. At max, Ms Marvel is a “REALLY POWERFULL SUPERHERO” (as Binary). At max, Sentry is a cosmic entity with powers of universal scale, either as Sentry or Void.

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Il cavaliere Fantasma è Beyond Omega. Questo è preso dallo spirito di vendetta. Il cavaliere fantasma non sarebbe stato in grado di sconfiggere The Sentry in un combattimento che non includeva la stupidità della trama.

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Knull ripped Sentry in half by grabbing his arm with his right hand and his neck with his left hand, then pulling them apart in opposite directions with sufficient force. Tenendo presente questo,, can shazam beat sentry? Sentry can resurrect himself at the very moment of destruction, so Shazam will not be able to put him down at all by any means. Sentry has invulnerability, superhuman strength, faster than light speed, reflexes, superhuman senses, and molecule manipulation, as well as stamina.

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9 Beat: Sentry One who is able to equal him in strength is Robert Reynolds aka The Sentry. Their powers proved to be very even and the fight resulted in the Hulk turning into human form and The Sentry very drained. The fight concluded in Banner punching Robert in his weakened state, unexpectedly winning the fight. Rispetto a questo,, can sentry use magic? 1 IMMORTALITY/INVULNERABILITY Sentry is also immortal as a result of the experimental super-soldier serum which turned him into a superhero. Even Strange himself said that Sentry was way too powerful for magic and can resist psychic attacks, especially when stable.

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Forza, velocità, resistenza, riflessi e agilità sovrumani. C'è un volo. C'è un combattente esperto corpo a corpo. Settimo senso. È possibile sopravvivere nello spazio profondo. I fasci di fotoni e altre forme di energia possono essere emessi e assorbiti. Più energia ha, più può fare.

La gente chiede anche:, who is stronger sentry or void?

Superhuman Strength: The Void's physical abilities are a direct mirror reflection of his counterpart, though it's reputed that The Sentry is visibly stronger.

Di Clarie Barsamian

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