Gufosaggio > W > Why Does Surtur Hate Asgard So Much?

Why does Surtur hate Asgard so much?

Because he's an extreme fatalist. The Surtur of Norse Mythology didn't want to destroy Asgard and cause Ragnarok because he was stupid evil but rather because it was fate and it was his duty to do fate's bidding. He was essentially stuck in a cycle where all he could do was kill and die.

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Sono state definite strategie di prevenzione degli attacchi. Se non hai già un moderatore, dovresti cercarne uno nella tua comunità. Attiva la modalità solo follower. Attiva AutoMod. La verifica e-mail e/o telefonica può essere abilitata. Ci sono incursioni di blocco da parte di estranei.

Is Asgard gone forever?

According to the co-director Joe Russo, half of the remaining Asgardians are once again decimated by the end of Infinity War when Thanos uses the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half of all life, making the final estimate of remaining Asgardians to be around 750 to 1,250 people. Who created Asgard? Odin When Midgard was complete, Odin and his brothers created a home for themselves above it called Asgard. Between the two worlds they stretched a rainbow bridge and called it Bifröst.

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The Destruction of Asgard was the result of the Fire Demon Surtur being released by Loki in order to enact the doomsday prophecy known as Ragnarök, as it was the only way to kill Hela before she could lay waste across the Nine Realms and beyond. What does Hela call weak? Hela called the Casket of Ancient Winters “weak.” Apparently what it could do didn't impress her, or she just didn't have a use for it.

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The only thing that could stop her was Surtur, who, after being resurrected, destroyed Asgard and killed Hela. Supposedly, Thanos is even stronger than Hela. It took Thanos a significant effort to break Captain America's shield, but Hela destroyed Mjolnir with ease.

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