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How was the Tesseract on Asgard in Thor?

In Asgard. With the Bifrost Bridge still destroyed, Thor, who had been sent back to Earth in The Avengers by Odin's dark magic, used the Tesseract to transport himself and Loki back to Asgard. Over a thousand years later, the Tesseract was back in Asgard and given a cushy spot in Odin's vault.

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How did the Tesseract get to Earth after Thor?

Con il Ponte Bifrost ancora distrutto, Thor fu in grado di tornare sulla Terra usando il Tesseract. Dopo mille anni, al Tesseract fu dato un posto nel caveau.

How did Asgard get the Tesseract?

The Tesseract was brought to Earth from Asgard by Odin. The Tesseract opens a mysterious doorway which takes Red Skull and the cube melts its way down and disappears into the ocean where it is found by Howard Stark. It is taken to the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Tenendo conto di questo,, is casket in thor and tesseract are the same? The Casket of Ancient Winters belongs to them and it came into the possession of Odin, who stored it with his other powerful objects like the Tesseract.

Anche la domanda è:, what is the blue cube in thor?

The Tesseract The Space Stone (The Tesseract) The Space Stone gives the user power over space. Anyone holding the Space Stone can create a portal from one part of the universe to another. In the Marvel films, the Space Stone is hidden inside a blue cube called the Tesseract. Why did Odin leave the Tesseract on Earth? Of all the worlds within Odin's domain in the Nine Realms, Earth is the least likely place where the Tesseract could cause trouble or be discovered. Jotunheim is where the Frost Giants are based, and if they got their hands on the Tesseract it would be way worse than if they got a hold of the Casket of Ancient Winters.

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Chi distrugge Asgard?

La corona sarà immersa nella Fiamma Eterna.

Di conseguenza,, how did the tesseract end up on earth after thor?

The Tesseract ends up on earth because it was lost during the battle between Odin and the Frost Giants. During Thor we see Thor talking (as a child) about how he wants to wage war on the Frost giants, like his father (Odin). So we know that the Tesseract must have been lost already. How did the Tesseract get back to Asgard in Thor 1? Following Schmidt's defeat at the hands of Captain America in 1945, the Tesseract fell into Arctic waters, where it was recovered by Howard Stark. Following the Battle of New York, the Tesseract was acquired by Thor, who brought it back with him to Asgard.

How did Loki activate the Tesseract?

“Loki did not remotely manipulate the Tesseract. He just simply used the practical power of the mind stone and his godly mischievous powers”.

Di Cacilie

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