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Can Thor defeat Superman?

Despite all evidence to the contrary, Superman soundly defeated Thor when the two heroes actually fought. But when Thor tried to knock Superman out with his hammer, Superman knocked Thor out with one final punch.

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L'uomo avrebbe distrutto l'uomo. Le persone tendono a concentrarsi sulla forza di THOR, ma ha molti altri modi per attaccare. Può usarne diversi allo stesso tempo.

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So, there you have it: yes, Superman is capable of wielding Mjolnir, although he was only seen to have done so on an emergency basis — and, in fact, it appears that Wonder Woman is more unconditionally worthy of the weapon than he. Allora,, who is the strongest in the marvel world? The Most Powerful Characters in Marvel (Power Ranking) Name Powers / Key Victories One-Above-All (Multiverse) Responsible for the existence of all life in the Multiverse and possibly beyond. Heart of the Universe Thanos used its power to defeat the Living Tribunal. Living Tribunal Absolute power over the multiverse. Altre 49 righe

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Originally Answered: Can Iron Man defeat Hulk? Iron Man has beat Hulk twice in the comics, so yes, he can win. He has lost more times than he has won, however. Can Batman beat Superman? For an apparently ordinary man, Batman has certainly beaten Superman multiple times. The Dark Knight scored a decisive victory in Batman v Superman (right before Clark began crying out his mother's name) and also took down Superman in the infamous The Dark Knight Returns comic book.

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Se Superman era arrabbiato, poteva spingerlo alla sottomissione. Superman è il personaggio più forte della DC e il personaggio più forte delle altre compagnie.

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Originally Answered: Is Superman a God? Superman is a Kryptonian. Superman is from and he is from Krypton, so he is not a God, but an individual from another plant.

Di Freeland Hymas

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