Gufosaggio > C > Can We Use Were With I?

Can we use were with I?

Generally, “was is used for singular objects and “were” is used for plural objects. So, you will use “was” with I, he, she and it while you will use “were” with you, we and they. There is a tip you might want to consider. Even though you are singular, you must use “were”.

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When to use was or were?

Il passato singolare è usato sia per la terza persona che per la seconda persona al passato. Gli atti erano simili in passato. Si potrebbe dire che erano al negozio.

Successivamente,, was possible or were possible?

“If it was possible” is a hypothetical about contingent past events. “If it were possible” is a hypothetical about present or future events, strongly implying the possibility is non-existent. In this context, the verb “was” is simple past tense, while the verb “were” is used in the subjunctive tense (or mood). Inoltre,, how do you use were in a question?

Di conseguenza,, what the meaning of if i were you?

You say 'if I were you' to someone when you are giving them advice. If I were you, Mrs Gretchen, I just wouldn't worry about it. Tenendo conto di questo,, why do we use were instead of was in conditional sentences? With the phrase "If I were / if she were... etc." you are changing the "mood" of the verb from indicative to subjunctive (see quick grammar tip below). Therefore, whenever you use the second conditional to talk (or write) about a hypothetical situation, use were instead of was in the if clause.

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Do British people say was instead of were?

Potresti essere usato ma siamo stati la scelta giusta. Gli altri pronomi (I, He, She, It) possono essere usati solo in determinate condizioni.

Was sent was send?

It is always 'was sent' ,not 'was send'. As 'send' is the present tense of verb.. In exotic tense as well the same(past participle) will be applicable . Was were use for class 1? Generally, 'was' is used with singular pronouns, and 'were' is used with plural pronouns, but the pronoun 'you' is an exception! 'Was' is usually used with the pronouns 'I', 'she', 'he', and 'it'. 'Were' is usually used with pronouns 'you', 'we', and 'they'.

Di Adrianna

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