Gufosaggio > D > Do British People Say Was Instead Of Were?

Do British people say was instead of were?

You was can be used but we were would be the correct for instead of we was. Only under certain conditions may “were” be used with the other pronouns (I, He, She, It) and that is if the sentence or

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Molte persone hanno ragione. Le persone sono sempre sbagliate. Molti dovrebbero riferirsi a più di una persona.

Was were past continuous tense?

The past continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were) with the verb's present participle (-ing word). It can also be used to describe something that was happening continuously in the past when another action interrupted it. Why do the British say was instead of were? It is the way those people speak. It is part of their dialect. Other native English speakers do not have this feature in their dialects. 'Was' is used for the pronouns I, she, he & it and 'were' is used for the others.

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Characters on Eastenders, a popular long-running BBC soap opera set in East London and featuring “ordinary people”, say “we was” instead of “we were”, prompting complaints to the BBC about bad grammar. Middle class kids sometimes affect “we was” in order to sound more “street”. Tenendo presente questo,, why do some people use was instead of were? Was is used in the first and third person singular past. Were is used in the second person singular and plural and first and third person plural. It is used in the subjunctive mood to indicate unreal or hypothetical statements. The words if and wish usually indicate the subjunctive mood.

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' People have' è quello corretto. Le forme di "persona" e "avere" sono le stesse.

When were is used after I?

You may use were with I only if the statement is subjunctive. The subjunctive mood is used to express a fantasy, not reality. It's by modifying verbs that the mood of a statement goes from being indicative to subjunctive. A statement such as "I wish I were a fish", is a wish, a fantasy. Tenendo conto di questo,, can you say if she were? “If she was"" is the correct option. “She is a singular pronoun. Therefore the correct form of the verb should be “was.” “Were is used when the pronoun is plural such as “they.”

What was I vs what I was?

"I were" is called the subjunctive mood, and is used when you're are talking about something that isn't true or when you wish something was true. If she was feeling sick... <-- It is possible or probable that she was feeling sick. "I was" is for things that could have happened in the past or now.

Di Laddy Hartlen

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