How many types of Arduino are there?

Arduino Boards and their Features

Arduino Board Processor Analogue I/O
Arduino Uno 16Mhz ATmega328 6 input, 0 output
Arduino Due 84MHz AT91SAM3X8E 12 input, 2 output
Arduino Mega 16MHz ATmega2560 16 input, 0 output
Arduino Leonardo 16MHz ATmega32u4 12 input, 0 output

Understanding uint8_t in C++

uint8_t is an integer type with a width of exactly 8 bits. In signed types, negative values are represented using 2’s complement without any padding bits.

Meaning of Python’s mean()

In Python, mean() returns the average value of a dataset by dividing the sum of data by the number of data points.

Python Slice with Default Values

In Python, when using slice with missing start or stop index, default values are taken. If step is not defined, it defaults to 1, meaning it goes through each index.

Difference Between cin and cout

cin is used for input streams like files or console, while cout is used for output. They serve as input and output statements, respectively, using different operators.

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