Perché Google Chrome mostra un dinosauro quando sei offline?
A proposito:
È un gioco noto come l'uovo di Pasqua Chrome T-Rex. Google ha elaborato una strategia per formulare una piattaforma di gioco semplicistica offline nel tentativo di mettere la delusione derivante da un'interruzione di internet dietro una facciata divertente.
Come giocare:
Quando vedi il T-Rex, clicca sullo spazio se sei sul tuo portatile o tocca il rex sul tuo telefono touch:
e il gioco inizierà automaticamente! Now continue using your space-bar or tapping on the dinosaur to make him jump over the cacti!
Update: They have also added a bird feature to make the game even more challenging!
Additional features in case you need more control of your dino:
- You can pause the game by pressing the alt key.
- You can make smaller leaps than usual by pressing the 8 key of the numpad or the spacebar lightly.
- You can also crouch by using the down arrow and/or the numpad 2 key. (Useful for avoiding pterodactyls)
A dinosaur is used as the developers liked to find an analogy between the situation of no internet connectivity with that of the dinosaur age.
A small team of about 6 developers started the T-Rex game. Edward Jung is one of the developers of the game.
Source Code:
The T-rex game is open source and available at the Chromium project code repository, and checking the commit log revealed that [email protected] is the original developer.
f8cb5584fe0d38a3d3f19d4bb8cb92c753f8d1f3 - chromium/src.git - Git at Google
chrome/renderer/resources/OWNERS - chromium/src.git - Git at Google
Google Chrome Now Uses a Dinosaur Video Game To Entertain You When You Can't Get Online
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