QNA > H > How Would A Duel Between A Magic: The Gathering And Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Go, And What Would The Rules Be? How Would It Work?

How would a duel between a Magic: The Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! deck go, and what would the rules be? How would it work?


Turn 1: Magic goes first

Magic: I activate a land…..

Yugioh: I negate

Magic: Wait what? You haven’t even played any cards yet, what are you negating with?

Yugioh: A little thing called Handtraps,

Magic: Then I ….

Yugioh: Negate that as well

Magic: Screw you, pass

Yugioh: Great, I summon …..

*5 minute of shuffling cards on the field later*

Yugioh: and attack for game?

Magic: Activate instant?

Yugioh: Negate with CDI, gg

In order to avoid a situation like above Magic would need to sped way, way up and Yu-Gi-Oh way, way down.

For Magic:

  • Activate 2–3 lands per turn
  • All cost are halved
  • Draw 2–3 cards each turn

For Yu-Gi-Oh:

  • Only 3 monster and spell zones
  • 800 ATK or LP = 1 Power/Toughness or LV
  • Starting hand of 3 cards
  • Monsters can’t attack the turn they are summoned

With this maybe they could have a game that’s not completely one sided

Then there are some straight up irreconcilable differences, such as

  • In Yu-Gi-Oh you choose what monster your monster attacks,
  • In Magic your opponent chooses what creature your creature attacks.

Which one to use? Non ne ho idea.

Ma anche in questo caso i fondamenti del gioco favoriscono ancora il giocatore di Yu-Gi-Oh....

Non solo il giocatore di Magic dovrebbe sopravvivere ai primi 2-3 turni perché Yu-Gi-Oh è estremamente esplosivo, ma dovrebbe anche sopravvivere ai turni 4-10 perché Yu-Gi-Oh eccelle nel recuperare dalle cattive posizioni.

Entrambi i giochi sono fatti per funzionare ad una velocità inconciliabilmente diversa quindi consiglio di giocarli separatamente


Di Delaryd

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