QNA > C > Come Caricare Foto Da Google Photos Su Facebook E Instagram

Come caricare foto da Google Photos su Facebook e Instagram

Steps to Share Photos from Google Photos App to Instagram

  1. Vai su Instagram e accedi al tuo account. Se non hai un account, allora creane uno.
  2. Scarica "Instagram App" sul tuo telefono Android dal Play store e lanciala.
  3. Apri l'applicazione Google Photos sul tuo telefono Android.
  4. Vedrai due schede cioè "Tutto" e "Highlights".
  5. Toccare la scheda "Tutto" e selezionare la foto che si desidera condividere.
  6. Toccare il pulsante "Condividi" situato nella parte superiore dello schermo.
  7. Tagliare la foto e toccare il pulsante "Freccia destra" situato nell'angolo in alto a destra dello schermo.
  8. Apply digital filters & tap "Right arrow" button.
  9. A "Share to" window opens up.
  10. Add a description & tap the Check mark button located at the top-right corner of the screen.
  11. Your photos will now be shared on Instagram.

Quick Tip to ensure your Photos never go missing

Photos are precious memories and all of us never want to ever lose them to hard disk crashes or missing drives. Use a picture storing program backup them up, sometimes memories are all we have.

Here's how to do it if you only have one picture to share:

  1. Launch Google Photos.
  2. Select the desired picture.
  3. Tap on the share icon.
  4. Tap on “Instagram”
  5. Follow the process

Log in to your Google Photos account

Select the photo(s) that you want to upload.

  1. Click on the share icon.
  2. Select the Facebook icon and repeat for Instagram.
  3. Or you can first upload to Instagram; add filter, captions, tags, location etc and turn on the share to Facebook.

Di Carolan

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