QNA > W > Which Marvel Shows Are Canon To The Mcu?

Which Marvel shows are canon to the MCU?

There are two categories of MCU shows. Canon, which is obviously full canon, and canon-adjacent, which is technically canon, but is at risk of being retconned.

  • Canon - These are basically all the Disney+ shows that are coming out. Currently we have WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, with more like Loki, Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, and so on coming in the future.
  • Canon-Adjacent - again, every show in this list is canon and will remain so until deliberately proven otherwise. That means something significant like recasting a character.
    • Agent Carter
    • Agents of SHIELD
    • Daredevil
    • Jessica Jones
    • Luke Cage
    • Iron Fist
    • The Defenders
    • Punisher
    • The Runaways
    • Cloak & Dagger

We also have two shows that have their own unique circumstances.

What if…? - Questo tecnicamente rientra nella categoria canon, tuttavia la sua intera premessa è che guarda a storie di altri universi invece che a quelle della linea temporale principale.

Inhumans - Questo tecnicamente rientra nella categoria canon-adiacente. Tuttavia è universalmente deriso, e manca qualsiasi collegamento con qualsiasi altra cosa, quindi di solito viene dimenticato o ignorato.

Di Kerek

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