QNA > Q > Quali Sono Alcuni Buoni Siti Web Per Partecipare A Concorsi Fotografici?

Quali sono alcuni buoni siti web per partecipare a concorsi fotografici?

Prima di tutto - una buona settimana di Natale a tutti i lettori! Spero che vi divertiate a fare shopping! :)

Beh - ci potrebbero essere molti concorsi su internet - ma il concorso di 'Poesia' e 'Scrittura Creativa' di cui sono venuta a conoscenza oggi - è quello che si svolge sul blog Space come segue -

  • Best of Poetry and Creative Writing (2017)

Quindi - ho pensato di parteciparvi!) Grazie Jasmine Ansari per avermelo fatto sapere!

Come nominare?
Per nominare una data poesia/risposta è abbastanza semplice. Devi solo postare i link a tutte le poesie/risposte che ti sono piaciute - come commento al post del concorso di poesia di cui sopra. Puoi nominare tutte le risposte/poesie che pensi meritino di essere nominate.


Qui condivido allegramente con voi un bouquet dei fiori più scelti { poesie }, che ho colto { ho scritto } - da quando mi sono iscritto a Quora!

Quindi, ecco a voi! Buon viaggio! :)

  • A Speck of Dust!
    • What is it like to be a lesser-known writer on Quora?
  • Dare To Re-Love
    • What is your own poem that you want to share?
  • Life’s a paradox!
    • What are some paradoxes in life?
  • A Random Poem | The Songbird and The Butterfly
    • Who can write something random here?
  • Hope and Dope
    • Hope and her male version, Dope, are making me choose between them, what should I do?
  • Roses and Violets and You!
    • How will you modify the classic "roses are red" poem in your own way?
  • Ode to the Moon
    • What makes bad poetry?
  • Social Media
    • What do you think is the most paradoxical thing in life?
  • The Second Mistake!
    • Have you ever made the same mistake twice, and how did it feel?
    • What is the shortest (less than 12 lines) sad poem you have ever written?
  • Pearls in the Ocean
    • Who are the wittiest Quorans who have followers less than 1000 on Quora?
  • O Storm! Don't you be so proud!
    • What are some short (4-5 lines) inspiring poem?
  • Don’t Hold So Tightly | Those Words I Fell For… | Lies! Damned Lies!
    • How do you write a two minute poem?
  • Corporate Culture
    • What are the biggest lessons you have learned in the corporate world?
  • Eggs, Shells and Yolk!
    • On Ray of Dope blog { Original question was deleted by Quora moderation }
  • So, hear you all — “Be there!”
    • Who is going to the Quora World Meetup in Delhi on November 11, 2017?
  • What’s in a name? — “A LOT”
    • What name should I use for my pen name as Urdu poet?
  • There is no ‘One’!
    • How would you write a story that begins with "There is no one"?
    • What got you excited today?
    • Can you share a poem of your own creation?
  • The Lousy Poet
    • Can you write a poem about yourself?
  • Inside my shroud | She was my drug
    • Can you write a short poem in 4 lines?
  • What NOT is Life? | Life — A Race?
    • If life is a race, then who is winning?
  • The Thing About ‘Words’!
    • What is something that needs to be said?


For this category — you might check the following link —

  • Creative Writing — [Non Poems] by Jatinder Singh

You need not specify the category while posting the comment. Just the links is enough — with an optional reason on why you liked it!


— Jatinder Singh, the lousy poet

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