QNA > W > What Is The Difference Between Microsoft Bing And Microsoft Edge?

What is the difference between Microsoft Bing and Microsoft Edge?

Browser Market Share as of 2009

  • Internet Explorer - 55.01%
  • Firefox - 31.56%
  • Google Chrome - 5.38%
  • Apple Safari - 3.85%
  • Opera - 2.37%

Browser Market Share as of Feb2021

  • Chrome - 63.59%
  • Safari - 19.14%
  • Firefox - 3.76%
  • Edge - 3.41%
  • Samsung Internet - 3.31%
  • Opera - 2.19%

Search Engine Market Share

Since 2005 till date

Google - 90%

Bing - 2%

Others - 8%

One who controls the Internet is the king of this world

The only/primary way to access the internet is a web browser

As Google dominated in Search engine, it still cant collect more user specific behavior as Internet Explorer was the leader in the market segment.

Così, Google ha lanciato il browser web basato su Chromium che ha iniziato ad applicare i moderni standard web.

Gli sviluppatori hanno iniziato ad amare i moderni standard e hanno iniziato ad usare Google Chrome come loro strumento di produzione.

Dall'altra parte, Microsoft ha seguito rigorosamente gli standard legacy, activex, dlls ecc

e quando gli sviluppatori hanno abbracciato Chrome, i loro siti web hanno iniziato a funzionare meglio su Google Chrome e molto male su Internet Explorer

Così i consumatori hanno iniziato a passare a Chrome.

Più che Google ha spinto Chrome, i suoi sviluppatori hanno spinto Chrome al successo.

Microsoft ha sentito la scottatura, e ha cercato di far rivivere Internet Explorer con nuovi motori e standard e nuovi nomi... non funziona nulla

e infine Microsoft ha rinunciato ai suoi standard legacy e ha abbracciato chromium e ha rilanciato IE come Edge.


Google - usa chromium -> e gestisce Google Chrome

Microsoft - usa chromium -> e gestisce Microsoft Edge

Ho provato Microsoft Edge, just for 3 months

im never going back to Google Chrome because Microsoft Edge is less resource hungry [- google services] and more stable than my Google Chrome

As of Mar2021

Google Chrome has to reduce a lot of bloat

and Microsoft Edge has more features than Chrome but can add more intuitiveness to differentiate itself from Google Chrome

Now Coming to Search Engine,

Google is - most widely used search engine [just like in 80’s the default gateway of internet was yahoo]

Google is more of an ECosystem of internlinked services than a standalone search engine

the most influential factors for the dominance of Google Search are

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Adwords
  • Google Adsense

Bing is a Search Engine - which remains as a stand alone search engine

  • Bing does not have Analytics to compete against Google Analytics
  • Bing has BingAds which is really good but the marketshare is very very low in all countries except US where its slightly better than the rest of the world
  • Bing has BingRewards but not anywhere closer to Google Adsense

Hope this clarifies!!!

Di Urian

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