QNA > Q > Qual È Il Miglior Pc Da Gioco Che Può Giocare A Roblox Alle Impostazioni Più Alte Senza Lag?

Qual è il miglior PC da gioco che può giocare a Roblox alle impostazioni più alte senza lag?

Ok, le altre risposte sono state utili, ma per lo più non molto specifiche. Cercherò di offrirvi una prospettiva più approfondita.

Prima di tutto, quali sono i requisiti di sistema ufficiali per Roblox?

Bene, combinando ciò che dice il sito ufficiale di Roblox (Computer Hardware & Operating System Requirements) e ciò che ci dice Can You Run It (https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/roblox/12175), possiamo determinare le seguenti specifiche minime:

  • Scheda grafica (GPU)
    • NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 o ATI Radeon 9500 o Intel GMA 3100
  • Processore (CPU)
    • velocità di clock 1.6GHz
  • RAM
    • 1GB on Windows Vista and other more recent versions of Windows
  • HDD
    • 20MB of free space

Alright, so let's work through this.

First of all, it is almost impossible for you not to have 20MB of free space, so no need to discuss storage.

Secondly, I don't think anyone makes or sells anything less than 2GB of RAM anymore, and even 2GB is hard to find, so again there's no need to really talk about RAM.

That leaves only your GPU and CPU to think about.

Just kidding! You're going to have a really hard time finding a GPU that is not powerful enough to run Roblox, according to those specs, and the same goes for the CPU.

Roblox is the least demanding game I have actually seen system requirements for, and that people still play.

You could literally go out and buy the cheapest laptop you can find that was released this decade and it will be able to run Roblox.

But I still haven't answered your question…

If you needed a recommendation for a CPU and GPU, this is what I would suggest:

  • Processor (CPU)
    • Intel Celeron G3930 2.9GHz LGA1151
    • I found this for $50 AUD, and haven't yet found anything cheaper.
  • Graphics Card (GPU)
    • NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 2GB, or AMD Radeon RX 550 2GB
    • I found the GT 1030 for as little as $100 AUD, and the RX 550 for around $150.

These suggestions were literally the cheapest options I could find, and they are more than enough to run Roblox. Combine them with any LGA1151 motherboard, any HDD, and any single stick of DDR3 RAM, and your computer will be beyond capable of running Roblox at any settings.

Unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee good performance on all servers because some will run differently than others.

I hope I've helped :)

Di Kelwin

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