Come si convertono 3 miglia in iarde?


#3cancel"miles"xx(1760 "yd")/(1cancel"mile")# = #5280 "yards#


In order to compute the number of yards in 3 miles, we're going to use dimensional analysis (method that allows you to convert from one unit of measurement to another by cancelling out unwanted units) and the relationship below:

Per domande come questa utilizzo la seguente tecnica:

#"Quantity Given" xx "Conversion Factor" = "Quantity Sought"#

#color(magenta)("Quantity Given:"# miglia 3

#color(gold)("Conversion Factor:"# 1760

#color(red)("Quantity Sought:"# cantieri

Inseriamo i nostri valori:

#3cancel"miles"xx(1760 "yd")/(1cancel"mile")# = #5280 "yards"#

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