What is the derivative of #arcsin[x^(1/2)]#?
What is the derivative of #arcsin[x^(1/2)]#? To find the derivative we will need to use the Regola di derivazione #dy/dx=dy/(du)*(du)/(dx)# Vogliamo trovare #d/(dx)(arcsin(x^(1/2)))# Dopo l' regola di derivazione lasciamo #u=x^(1/2)# Deriving u we get #(du)/(dx)=1/2*x^(-1/2)=1/(2sqrt(x))# Now we substitute u in place of x in the original equation and derive to find #dy/(du)# #y=arcsin(u)# #(dy)/(du)=1/(sqrt(1-u^2)# Now … Leggi tutto