Geographical Coordinates
- Latitude: 43°40′N
- Longitude: 79°25′W
- Altitude: 76 meters above sea level
- Area: 181.67 km2
- Latitude: 45°28′01′′N
- Longitude: 9°11′24′′E
- Altitude: 120 meters above sea level
- Area: 181.67 km2
- Latitude: 59°21′N
- Longitude: 18°04′E
- Altitude: 28 meters above sea level
- Area: 187.16 km2
- Latitude: 51°30′26′′N
- Longitude: 0°07′39′′W
- Altitude: 24 meters above sea level
- Area: 1,572.15 km2
Italian Population in Canada
- Ontario: Over 900,000 residents (7% of the total population)
- Quebec: Over 300,000 residents (4% of the total population)
Other Cities’ Coordinates
- Latitude: 40°50′N
- Longitude: 14°15′E
- Altitude: 17 meters above sea level
- Area: 117.27 km2
- Population: 962,003
- Latitude: 45°26’23"28 N
- Longitude: 12°19’54"84 E
- Decimal Degrees: 45.4398; 12.3319
Milan Meridian
- 41st parallel of the northern coast
- Coordinates: 41°00′N 0°56′E
- Mediterranean Sea: 41°00′N 8°13′E
- Italy: 41°00′N 8°16′E
- Mediterranean Sea: 41°00′N 8°52′E