Dove comincia il Mare Ionio?

Ionian Sea and Its Boundaries

  • The Ionian Sea is part of the Roman Mediterranean, located between the southern tip of the Italian Peninsula and Sicily to the west, and southern Albania and Greece to the east. It narrows towards the north and connects to the Adriatic through the Strait of Otranto. The official boundary between the Ionian and Adriatic Seas is geographically represented by the Otranto Channel.

Tyrrhenian Sea: Name and Boundaries

  • The Tyrrhenian Sea is the basin of the western Mediterranean, distinguished by the Italian Peninsula and the three major islands. The Romans called it the Mare Tuscum or Mare Inferum, contrasting it with the Mare Superum of the Adriatic Sea.

Characteristics of the Indian Ocean

  • With an average depth of 3741 meters and a maximum depth of 7258 meters, the Indian Ocean’s deepest point is on the island of Java. It has a maximum coastal length of 66 kilometers and a volume of approximately 526 cubic kilometers.

Naming of the Pacific Ocean

  • The Pacific Ocean was named by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan due to the calm seas he encountered during his journey from the Strait of Magellan to the Philippines. However, the ocean does not always live up to its peaceful name.

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