How is Starbucks different from its competitors?

Starbucks in Pakistan

Since 2013, Sattar Buksh, a coffeeshop in Pakistan, drew inspiration from Starbucks, the giant American coffee chain with over 16,000 outlets worldwide.

Founding of Starbucks

In 1971, Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker, and Zev Siegl founded Starbucks near the historic Pike Place Market in Seattle. They were college students who shared a passion for coffee and tea.

Tata Starbucks Private Limited

Tata Starbucks Private Limited, a joint venture between Tata Consumer Products and Starbucks Corporation, operates Starbucks in India.

PepsiCo Brands

In 2015, PepsiCo owned various brands, including Starbucks ready-to-drink beverages.

  1. Cacao Peaberry Tanzania
  2. Caffè Kona Hawaii
  3. Cacao del Nicaragua
  4. Caffè Sumatra Mandheling

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