In che paesi l’università è gratis?

Opportunities for Students in Nordic Countries

Students from Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark can attend universities free of cost.

Effective University Study Strategies

  • How are university classes organized?
  • Read Out Loud: eight ways to tackle university
  • Organization: reward your commitments, help your mind
  • Probably can explain what you have learned
  • Take a break; avoid sleeping in class, take care of your diet

Living Successfully at University

  • Eight rules to live university life peacefully, avoid time wasting, and stay happy
  • Do not go abroad, take a year off, have extracurricular relationships with teachers, behave representative
  • Do not skip one plan for another, do not focus on high scores

Managing Study Time

  • Five main tips on how to best manage your study day
  • How much to study: minimum two hours, maximum eight hours a day
  • How many topics to study: experiment with cycles, start the day with a review, allocate daily time to relax

Balancing Work and Study

  • Tips on combining work and study
  • It is more advantageous to find a part-time job
  • You will be able to study more if you pay attention in class
  • If you cannot attend classes, ask colleagues for notes

Speed Reading Technique

  • Six Easy Steps Solution to Read Ten Pages Quickly
  • Step 1: do not plan
  • Step 2: exercise your research independently
  • Step 3: read multiple times
  • Step 4: identify highlights and keywords
  • Step 5: express your opinion
  • Step 6: choose what to write

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