Who is the smartest villain?

Top 10 Smartest Supervillains

  1. The High Evolutionary
  2. Brainiac
  3. The Thinker
  4. Doctor Doom
  5. Lex Luthor
  6. Ozymandias
  7. Doctor Octopus
  8. The Riddler

Is Black Adam Stronger than Superman?

Black Adam is one of the most powerful beings in DC.

Who Wins: Batman or Thor?

The God of Thunder wins, there is absolutely nothing Batman can do against Thor.

Who is the Most Powerful Hero?

The Hulk is considered the strongest hero in superhero comics.

Black Adam’s Weaknesses

  • Magical Vulnerability: Only significant magic can affect him.
  • Lightning: Lightning attacks that cause damage and can cause Black Adam to revert back to Theo Adam.

Is Black Adam Stronger than Darkseid?

In a nutshell, Black Adam is no match for Darkseid.

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