Who is the strongest villain?

Strongest Marvel Villains

  • 1 Thanos Is The Universe’s Greatest Threat.
  • 2 Apocalypse Is One Of The Greatest Threats To The Earth.
  • 3 Dormammu Is His Own Dimension’s Ruler.
  • 4 Doctor Doom Is The Total Package.
  • 5 Loki’s A Multi-Faceted Threat.
  • 6 Ultron Is Nearly Unstoppable.

Fastest Superhero

  • Flash is the super fast superhero from DC Comics and part of the Justice League.
  • Quicksilver is the super fast superhero from Marvel Comics and sometimes an Avenger. In recent clips, Quicksilver has blazing speed.

Smartest Superheroes in Comics:

  1. Mr. Batman
  2. Iron Man
  3. Oracle
  4. The Atom
  5. Hank Pym
  6. Beast
  7. Amadeus Cho

Marvel vs DC Strength

More of Marvel’s characters have won in more categories, but DC’s victors far outshine their competition. No one from the Marvel Universe or the DC Universe compares to Superman. Still, we’d say that Marvel has stronger characters for now.

Immortal Avenger

Hulk just recently has been dubbed immortal. The Heralds are all enhanced by the gift of Cosmic Power from Galactus. They are frozen in the aging process and it takes a lot of power to harm them or even kill them.

Superman vs Flash Speed

The Flash is faster than Superman. He has won five of their nine races, with three ties and only one win from Superman. Still, even the fastest Speedster, Wally West, stated that given enough motivation, Superman could get a big enough boost to gain extra speed and become faster than any of the Speedsters.

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