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Who's the smartest Avenger?

15 Smartest Characters In The MCU Tony Stark. No one in the MCU is smarter than Tony Stark. Shuri. … Rocket Raccoon. … Supreme Intelligence. … Bruce Banner. … T'Challa. … Hank Pym. … Vision. …

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Who's the smartest avenger?

T'Challa è il Vendicatore più intelligente. T'Challa sarà sempre secondo a sua sorella, Shuri, nella sua famiglia. I fratelli decideranno da soli.

Di conseguenza,, who is the youngest avenger?

Vision Vision (3 years old) Last but not least, Vision becomes the youngest character in the MCU among other characters. He appears in Avengers: Age of Ultron for the first time because of the power of one of the Infinity Stones which is Mind Stone. Allora,, who would win thor or batman? The God of Thunder wins, there is absolutely nothing Batman can do against Thor. Batman has a small nuclear bomb in his cave, but Thor could easily walk it off.

Successivamente,, can batman defeat spiderman?

Physically he has Batman beat on every concievable level, power, speed, durability, Spidey wins them all. Sneak attacks are worthless due to the Spider sense. Spider-Man's webs are more versatile than the Bat's utility belt. Rispetto a questo,, can iron man beat hulk? Originally Answered: Can Iron Man defeat Hulk? Iron Man has beat Hulk twice in the comics, so yes, he can win. He has lost more times than he has won, however.

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Who's the smartest avenger?

Tony Stark è uno dei personaggi più intelligenti del MCU. Tony Stark è la persona più intelligente del MCU. Shuri. C'è un Rocket Raccoon. Intelligenza Suprema. Bruce Banner. T'Challa. Hank Pym. Visione.

Who is the physically strongest superhero?

Here are the 15 Physically Strongest Superheroes. 8 Blue Marvel. 7 Gladiator. 6 Shazam. 5 Hercules. 4 Wonder Woman. 3 Thor. 2 Superman. 1 The Incredible Hulk.

Di Jed Beline

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