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Who is the 2nd strongest Avenger?

Captain Marvel was clearly the strongest Avenger until the events of “WandaVision,” but then everything changed. As previously indicated, Thor was ranked second because of his abilities and many more things. Captain Marvel is, without a question, the most powerful Avenger.

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Tenendo presente questo,, who is the least powerful avenger?

Who is the weakest avenger? 3 Weakest: Winter Soldier. 4 Strongest: Vision. … 5 Weakest: Falcon. … 6 Strongest: Scarlet Witch. … 7 Weakest: Black Widow. … 8 Strongest: Doctor Strange. … 9 Weakest: Hawkeye. … 10 Strongest: Captain Marvel. … Di conseguenza,, who wins batman or flash? Originally Answered: Who would win in a fight between Batman and The Flash? Batman Always Wins.

Di conseguenza,, who is the most powerful in dc?

25 Powerful Characters from DC – We have the Full List The Spectre. Goes without saying, Spectre is the most powerful being that DC Universe has. The Manhattan. Anti-Monitor. Damage. Shazam. Superman. Darkseid. Wonder Woman. Who wins Batman or Ironman? If Iron Man doesn't have his suit, it'd be game over for him. While he isn't totally incapable of a fight with fisticuffs, Batman is a master in 127 different martial arts. His physical strength is far superior to Tony's, so if they were to fight without any gadgets or suits, the win would easily go to Batman.

Who is strongest hero in MCU?

10 Most Powerful MCU Characters Of 2021, Ranked Shang-Chi. A new addition to the series, Shang-Chi is a highly likable MCU hero who has the power to control the Ten Rings. Spider-Man Variants. Loki Variants. Wenwu. Ikaris. Agatha Harkness. The Watcher. Scarlet Witch.

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