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Who is the 2nd strongest Avenger?

Captain Marvel was clearly the strongest Avenger until the events of “WandaVision,” but then everything changed. As previously indicated, Thor was ranked second because of his abilities and many more things. Captain Marvel is, without a question, the most powerful Avenger.

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Who is the 2nd strongest Avenger?

Gli eventi di WandaVision hanno cambiato tutto e hanno reso Captain Marvel il Vendicatore più forte. Thor è stato classificato secondo a causa delle sue abilità e molte altre cose. Captain Marvel è il Vendicatore più potente.

Who's the smartest Avenger?

15 Smartest Characters In The MCU Tony Stark. No one in the MCU is smarter than Tony Stark. Shuri. … Rocket Raccoon. … Supreme Intelligence. … Bruce Banner. … T'Challa. … Hank Pym. … Vision. … Di conseguenza,, where is asgard on earth? Comic. Asgard was one of the Nine Realms and the former home of the Asgardians. Asgard was destroyed in 2017 during Ragnarök, when Thor ordered Loki to unleash Surtur in order to kill Hela. The surviving Asgardians eventually relocated to Earth, settling in Tønsberg, Norway, establishing the town as New Asgard.

Is Thor demigod?

Thor is a “demigod,” and any attempt to scientifically explore his otherworldly abilities can be dismissed as such. But the most common explanation is that Thor's hammer, being tremendously massive, is used to propel Thor into the sky in a suitably beefy exhibition of momentum. Who is older Loki or Thor? Thor is older than Loki because in Asgard, the Eldest or oldest son is named as the king, if they do not have a son then it would be their brother or nephew or so on. So Thor is older. In the MCU Thor and Loki are the same age.

Di conseguenza,, who defeated one-above-all?

History. One Above All was one of the many victims of Thanos in his eternal quest to please Death. He was obliterated along his fellow Celestials by Thanos when he stabbed Black Bolt to death in order to use his destructive voice as weapon. Who is DC One-Above-All? Originally Answered: Who is the One Above All's equivalent in the DC Universe? Elaine Belloc is the equivalent of TOAA in DC.

Di Mouldon Muhammed

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