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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor is by far the strongest member of the original team considering he is the literal God. He gained a major boost in power following the events of Thor: Ragnarok after losing Mjolnir and learning that his hammer wasn't the source of his strength. 6 giorni fa

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Who is the 2nd strongest Avenger?

Gli eventi di WandaVision hanno cambiato tutto e hanno reso Captain Marvel il Vendicatore più forte. Thor è stato classificato secondo a causa delle sue abilità e molte altre cose. Captain Marvel è il Vendicatore più potente.

Is there a 7th Infinity Stone?

In the Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Guardians of the Galaxy: The Thanos Threat animated film, a seventh Infinity Stone, the Build Stone, exists, with the power to build virtually anything. It is sought by Thanos, who wants to use it to create a powerful weapon. Why can Hulk hold an Infinity Stone? The gamma radiation in his body allows Hulk to use all six Infinity Stones to snap his fingers and bring back everyone Thanos turned to dust, sacrificing his arm along the way.

Di conseguenza,, who are the 12 main avengers?

The Avengers Steve Rogers/Captain America (leader) Tony Stark/Iron Man. Bruce Banner/Hulk. Thor Odinson (leaves to return to Asgard and to imprison Loki) Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow. Clint Barton/Hawkeye. Is Deadpool the strongest? No, Deadpool isn't the most powerful and some might even say he isn't a superhero either.

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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Bastava considerarla vicino alla cima, ma Wanda Maximoff è ora la Vendicatrice più potente.

Who is the strongest Marvel villain?

Dr. Doom. The primary antagonist of Marvel's first family, the Fantastic Four, Victor von Doom is the most powerful of the Earth-bound Marvel villains and the greatest schemer of them all. Si può anche chiedere:, does odin know about tva? Odin would have no knowledge of the Time-Keepers/TVA unless he created a variant. Even then, variants aren't the original and most are erased/pruned (which we now know works a bit differently, but the point still stands).

Si può anche chiedere:, did loki create the tva?

With Loki's themes of being his own worst enemy and self-sabotage, it's clear King Loki is the villain who created the TVA to trap the other variants. WARNING: Spoilers for Loki episode 5, "Journey into Mystery."

Di Beitz Parolini

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