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Who is the most powerful Marvel character?

Marvel fans ranked The Incredible Hulk as the franchise's most powerful character, with an average rating of 8.69. Thor, the God of Thunder, was close behind, nearly tying the Hulk with an average score of 8.66.

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Who is the most powerful Marvel character?

L'Incredibile Hulk è stato il personaggio più potente del franchise, con una valutazione media di 8,69. Hulk aveva un punteggio medio di 8,66, mentre il Dio del tuono aveva un punteggio medio di 8,66.

Is Wanda or vision more powerful?

Bottom line, Wanda is more powerful but unstable and untrained. Vision is less powerful but precise and effective at his abilities. Successivamente,, is constantine an angel? John Constantine is a human being with the supernatural ability to perceive the true visage of both Angels and Demons on the mortal plane. He is portrayed by Keanu Reeves as an adult and by Connor Dylan Wryn as a teenager.

Is Dr. Fate stronger than Constantine?

Constantine is considered a hedge-mage, 9 times out of 10 Doctor Fate will win. Constantine would win. He is far more tricky, and deadly than Dr. Fate. La gente chiede anche:, why doesn't dr strange have the time stone? If you believe the Ancient One (and the film's writers), when Cap returned the Stones, the prime timeline was restored, and the Time Stone is eventually destroyed by Thanos, and so the Doctor Strange in the prime timeline no longer has it.

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Il sistema operativo più avanzato e potente al mondo. La piattaforma mobile più popolare al mondo è Android.

Di conseguenza,, who would win in a fight spider-man or thor?

Originally Answered: Who would win between Thor and spiderman? Thor would win initially, but if Spidey gets his hand on Mjolnir, he's screwed. While he hasn't been shown it, Spider-man is more than enough qualified to be worthy of using the Hammer. La gente chiede anche:, who is an omega level mutant? An Omega-level mutant is one with the most powerful genetic potential of their mutant abilities. The term was first seen in the 1986 issue Uncanny X-Men #208 as "Class Omega", but was completely unexplained beyond the obvious implication of it referring to an exceptional level of power.

Di conseguenza,, who is the most powerful mutant?

Franklin Richards is the most powerful mutant in the Marvel Universe.

Di Ronen

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