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Who is the most powerful in anime?

The 10 Strongest Anime Characters of All Time 1 Saitama (One Punch Man) 2 Son Goku (Dragon Ball) 3 Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) 4 Anos Voldigoad (The Misfit of Demon King Academy) 5 Tetsuo Shima (Akira) 6 Kaguya Otsutsuki (Naruto) 7 Yhwach (Bleach) 8 Alucard (Hellsing)

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This means that Light is quite capable of taking out some of the more well-known characters on our list without even needing to be near them. Although an odd choice, with Light's spectacular mind and the power of the Death Note at his hands he is one of the most powerful characters in anime. Rispetto a questo,, is rem a male? Is REM in Death Note a girl or a boy? - Quora. Well, Rem is undoubtedly a female Shinigami. The plausible confusion might have arose due to the fact that Rem's voice actor in the Japanese version, Saito Kimiko, might have sounded like a male actor.

Is Mello a boy or a girl?

Mello is a young man with chin-length golden-blond hair and blue eyes. Is Near L's son? Near is one of L's successors but they never met in person and aren't related. I believe that the novel L: Change The World explained how children from Wammy's became experts in all different types of fields. That way, if L needed to he could contact a team of say bio weapons experts if he ever needed to.

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How smart is Near?

Apart from L, Near is easily the smartest character in the series – smarter even than his partner, Mello. Near managed to make it to the very end, but he probably wouldn't have caught Light or made it as far as he did without the help of L and Mello. How old is Near when L dies? According to the manga, Near was born in 1991, while the anime is set a few years later making Near's birth 1994. This would mean that at the conclusion of part one, when L is defeated by Kira, Near is 13 years old.

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