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How do the British say happy?

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Do British people say was instead of were?

Potresti essere usato ma siamo stati la scelta giusta. Gli altri pronomi (I, He, She, It) possono essere usati solo in determinate condizioni.

Di conseguenza,, how do you say cheers in hawaiian?

Kāmau (Ka-Mau) or HipaHipa – These phrases are probably the most common way to say cheers as it means cheers in Hawaiian. HipaHipa is a popular saying among tourists and locals. How do you say milk in British?

How do you say water bottle in British?

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Why do British say Cheerio?

Si dice che gli applausi derivino dal 18 ° C quando la gente evocava una berlina gridando Chair ho! È venuto a significare addio poiché era qualcosa che la gente faceva alla fine della serata.

Di conseguenza,, is r silent in birthday?

Birthday begins with the B consonant sound where the lips are together, bb, bb, and the vocal cords are making some sound, bb, bb, bir-. It opens into the 'ur' as in 'her' vowel sound followed by the R consonant sound.

Di Griffiths

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