Gufosaggio > W > Why Is Ging So Mean To Gon?

Why is Ging so mean to Gon?

Ging is a lot like Gon, meaning he's selfish, easily distracted, and has a poor mental compass. He can't stay in one place for very long, and hates being held down by anything, a son is a huge burden.

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Why did Ging leave Gon?

Ging voleva essere un cacciatore a tempo pieno, così ha lasciato il suo bambino con la sua famiglia. Si è dedicato allo scavo e alla conservazione delle rovine archeologiche, che probabilmente consuma molto tempo e non è un buon ambiente per crescere un bambino.

Anche la domanda è:, does ging love his son?

Ging does care about Gon and most likely loves him, but his adventurous and selfish personality keeps him from ever establishing an actual Father and Son relationship. Why did Ging and Gon Kite? Sometime after his son's birth Ging took Kite to Greed Island and, unbeknownst to him, had Elena rig his contact so that if Gon took an "Accompany" instead of a "Magnetic Force" out of the game, he would be sent to Kite instead.

What cards did Gon keep?

He won three cards Blue Planet, Paladin's Necklace, and Patch of Shore. Biscuit got the Blue Planet which she always wanted. Gon uses gain on Paladin's Necklace to materialize it, and then uses it to transform Patch of Shore into Accompany, having transformed an Accompany into Patch of Shore before hand. Di conseguenza,, who beats greed island? Having won and completed Greed Island, Gon has earned his prize of materializing three cards of his choosing.

Articoli Correlati

Does Ging love Gon?

Ging non ha una relazione padre-figlio a causa della sua personalità avventurosa ed egoista.

Rispetto a questo,, what does blue planet do hunter?

Blue Planet ブループラネット - This card allows the caster to summon forth an incredibly rare jewel known as Blue Planet. The jewel itself doesn't possess any particular ability like other jewels found in the game, but it does however give off beautiful blue shine.

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