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Does Netero know Ging?

Netero knew that Gon was Ging's son just as surely as he knew Killua was Silva's. It's also probable that Netero was in constant contact with Ging, keeping him informed of Gon's progress.

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Does Gon know Ging is his dad?

Lui lo fa. Vi ricordate l'episodio in cui Ging è stato preso a pugni da Leorio? Poco dopo, Ging arriva e abbraccia suo figlio. Ging sembrava annoiato, ma Gon pianse.

Can Ging beat Chrollo?

Even Bisky is stated to be stronger than Chrollo in Togashi's data book. If we will assume that Ging is stronger than Bisky or at least the same level, he is easily above Chrollo. Di conseguenza,, who can beat ging? Although we aren't sure of Ging's powers yet, we still know that Netero was definitely more powerful than Ging. You could say that Netero was actually doing good against Meruem, but that was because of the 100 type protecting him.

Di conseguenza,, why is ging so mean to gon?

Ging is a lot like Gon, meaning he's selfish, easily distracted, and has a poor mental compass. He can't stay in one place for very long, and hates being held down by anything, a son is a huge burden. Why did Ging have Gon? Ging chose to leave a 2-year-old Gon with his family since he wanted to continue being a full-time hunter.

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Netero usa l'emissione e la manipolazione per sviluppare le sue abilità.

What happens after Gon meets Ging?

Synopsis. Gon finally meets his father. Ging does not hesitate to greet him, but Gon quickly becomes more and more emotional as he explains everything that happened to Kite. Ging becomes extremely flustered, but once Gon says that he should be the one who's dead, Ging assures him that Kite trusted him. Di conseguenza,, is ging a 2 star hunter? Ging is a double-star Hunter, known to be one of the most powerful characters in the Hunter x Hunter series. As a member of the Zodiacs, his strength was recognized by Netero himself.

Who is stronger Ging or Silva?

A Double-Star Ruins Hunter, Ging Freecss is one of the strongest characters in the Hunter x Hunter series. Although most of his abilities remain a mystery to the fans, Ging being stronger than Silva wouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.

Di McLoughlin

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