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Does Gon know Ging is his dad?

Yes, in fact, he does. Remember the episode where Leorio punches Ging? Soon after, Gon arrives, hugs Leorio, and finally meets his father, Ging. Gon cried, unlike Ging, who looked annoyed.

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Does Ging love Gon?

Ging non ha una relazione padre-figlio a causa della sua personalità avventurosa ed egoista.

Di conseguenza,, is gon stronger than ging?

If we're talking about Gon when he powers up to his maximum potential he is most likely far superior to Ging. Pitou state that Gon in that form might end up in the jaws of the king which implies that hes a serious threat to Meruem who is substantially stronger than Netero. Netero is stronger than Ging. Is Killua straight? Yes. Killua and Gon are gay, it's canon. It's stated that the creator is Hunter x Hunter has written many LGBT characters.

Who is Gon mother?

His mother is Alicia Freecs. She was a hunter and she died while exploring the dark continent. She and Ging met shortly after Ging became a hunter. They headed on many wonderful adventures together. When was Hisoka born? The numerically repetitive dates ascend from three to seven with a glaring gap between Gon and Killua. However, Hisoka was born on June 6 (6/6), thus completing the sequence. Because of this, astute fans have decided that the jester is the unofficial fifth protagonist of the series.

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Why is Ging so mean to Gon?

Ging è molto simile a Gon, perché è egoista, facilmente distratto e ha una scarsa bussola mentale. Non gli piace essere trattenuto e non può stare in un posto per molto tempo.

Is Ging stronger than Netero?

According to Netero himself, Ging is one of the five strongest Nen users in the world of Hunter x Hunter right now. It goes without saying that he has what it takes to surpass the likes of Netero, although it isn't a guarantee. Nonetheless, Ging is very powerful and his full power is yet to be seen. Tenendo conto di questo,, is ging a don? An ancestor of Ging, who obtained the immortality "curse" from the dark continent, or is still alive by some other means. This is shown when Ging stated that he(Don) was still alive after 300 years. As such, Don is still alive by some means.

Di conseguenza,, does ging go to dark continent?

His strength is such that even Netero has sung praise of it, and a person of his skill is likely capable of surviving the Dark Continent. Ging is currently on his way to the continent, so it'll be interesting to see whether he'll survive or not, although knowing his skill, it is hard to imagine that he'll die there.

Di Bower Weissmann

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