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What powers does Thena?

Thena Team affiliations Eternals Heroes for Hire Stark International Notable aliases Thena Eliot, Athena, Zura, Betty Sue Bialovsky, Prime Eternal Abilities Superhuman speed, strength, durability, and regeneration Energy blasts Flight Illusion generation Matter transmutation Mind control Telekinesis Telepathy Teleportation Altre 7 righe

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Sam è più che la spalla di Steve Rogers, è un normale essere umano che è un eccellente tattico e combattente corpo a corpo. Questo non è il caso dei fumetti, dove Sam può parlare con gli uccelli.

Is Thena related to Thanos?

Trivia. In the comics, Thena was born Azura, but her name was changed to resemble more the Greek goddess of Strategy and War, Athena. She mothered a son, Joey, with a human, Thomas Eliot. She is also the daughter of Zuras, and cousin of Thanos. Anche la domanda è:, how strong is thena? Superhuman Strength: Thena is superhumanly strong and can lift around 25 tons. Superhuman Durability: Thena's Eternal body is highly resistant to injury due to her psionic control over her body's molecules.

Is Thena Thanos mom?

While on Titan, A'lars fathered a son named Thanos with an Eternal woman named Sui-San. Interestingly, Thanos is related by blood to Thena, since she's Zuras' daughter; that means the two characters are actually first cousins. Tenendo presente questo,, is thena a villain in eternals? As Eternals is a lesser-known property in Marvel Comics, most of the heroes and villains in Eternals comics are extremely obscure characters, and Thena is no exception.

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Ottiene i suoi poteri dalla pietra della mente incorporata nello Scettro. Il modo in cui accade è dalla sperimentazione che Hydra fa su molte persone, ma solo due di loro sopravvivono.

Tenendo conto di questo,, what are gilgamesh's powers?

Gilgamesh has typical Eternal powers such as levitation/flight (around 600 mph), extreme longevity, virtual indestructibility, emission of heat/light/force blasts from his eyes and hands, matter transmutation (minor skill only), illusion casting, near-limitless stamina, and superhuman strength (class 100). Who is Kronos Marvel? In the comics, Kronos has the powers of telepathy and the ability to control time. He's not really considered a villain, though. He's a scientist who gained infinite power, including control over time. He also hunts Thanos after the Mad Titan imprisons him.

Di Pickett Marose

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