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Can I use my phone as router?

A feature known as Wi-Fi tethering will automatically transform your smartphone into a wireless internet router. All you need is a data connection on that phone. There are also a few other apps for Android smartphones that toggle on or off the Wi-Fi hotspot feature.

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Si raccomanda agli adulti di limitare il tempo trascorso davanti allo schermo a meno di due ore al giorno.

Di conseguenza,, can i hack wifi password?

It is possible to crack the WEP/WPA keys used to gain access to a wireless network. Doing so requires software and hardware resources, and patience. The success of such WiFi password hacking attacks can also depend on how active and inactive the users of the target network are. Is router password same as WiFi password? A router password isn't the same as a Wi-Fi password. The former is the password needed to access the router settings, while a password used for Wi-Fi is what guests need to access the internet from your house.

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