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Is simpler proper English?

Simpler is correct. The grammar rule is words with two syllables or less generally become comparatives by adding -er to the end and words with three syllables or more are made comparative by adding more before the word. Examples: Nice - Nicer (Because the word nice has only one syllable.)

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What does a simpler time mean?

L'invenzione di automobili, aeroplani, telefoni, computer, treni, ecc., nel periodo in cui il telegrafo e il treno entrarono in largo uso, resero la vita quotidiana più semplice.

Is more simple a word?

Is simpler a word? If you study English, you probably know that “more” and “simple” are both words. In fact, while you will almost certainly hear both “simpler” and “more simple” in English conversations, simpler is the correct form. What is the comparative of simpler? Two syllables Adjective Comparative Superlative simple simpler simplest busy busier busiest tilted more tilted most tilted tangled more tangled most tangled 1 altra riga

Allora,, when did simpler become a word?

... Originally (at least in the early 80s as I recall), the correct form was only "more simple" due to the word 'simple' being a two-syllabic word and not ending in -y. How do you use simpler in a sentence? Simpler sentence example. They were so nasty when he told them about me we both found it simpler to ignore the jerks. Lana sat back in her chair, imagining a simpler life with her Guardian. And she had made it so much simpler by telling everyone that she wanted him to make all the decisions.

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Why was life simpler in the past?

50 anni fa, alcune cose erano più semplici da fare. Era più facile incontrare nuove persone che trovare un partner. Comprare una casa era più economico che vedere un film. Un tempo era più facile sostenere la tua famiglia con un reddito.

Is it more friendly or friendlier?

'Friendly' is an adjective. You can use 'friendlier' and 'friendliest' as well as 'more/most friendly'. I'm an American native speaker and also an ESL teacher. You hear both forms because both forms are correct. Anche la domanda è:, is more quiet correct? The correct answer is that quieter and more quiet are both correct, though quieter is much more common. This one is a bit of an exception. One-syllable adjectives take -er and three- or more-syllable adjectives take “more” but the two-syllable ones are tricky.

Successivamente,, is more clever or cleverer?

Two-syllable adjectives generally form their comparative with the use of “less” or “more”, so the correct usage is “less clever.” “Cleverer” is a word, but it would be grammatically incorrect to use it with the comparative. For example, use: She is more clever than I am. He is cleverer than I am.

Di Lisette Lesuer

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