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What does a simpler time mean?

When a person says this they are often referring to how much simpler daily life was before the invention of cars, airplanes, telephones, computers, trains, etc - life before the 1850s - around the time the telegraph and train came into wide use.

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Is simpler proper English?

Più semplice è corretto. La regola è che le parole con due o meno sillabe diventano comparative aggiungendo -er alla fine e le parole con tre o più sono comparative aggiungendo più prima della parola. La parola nice ha una sillaba.

Riguardo a questo,, what is the superlative of simple?

simplest So for the adjective simple, for example, the comparative form is simpler and the superlative form is simplest; and for the adverb boldly, the comparative form is more boldly and the superlative is most boldly. Successivamente,, what is the comparative and superlative of little? Some have more than one option: little can become littler or less (comparative), and littlest or least (superlative).

Successivamente,, is it more narrow or narrower?

According to our grammar rules the comaprison of "narrow" should be "narrower, narrowest". Is also acceptable to use "more narrow, most narrow"? Thanks again. The general rule of thumb is that the superlative doesn't need to be modified by an adjective like more, because superlatives are already dealing with degree. Di conseguenza,, how do you say this word simple?

Articoli Correlati

Why was life simpler in the past?

50 anni fa, alcune cose erano più semplici da fare. Era più facile incontrare nuove persone che trovare un partner. Comprare una casa era più economico che vedere un film. Un tempo era più facile sostenere la tua famiglia con un reddito.

Do you say more clear or clearer?

So, clearer or more clear? The basic rules tell us that because clear is a one syllable adjective there is no need to use 'more. ' But the reality is that in everyday usage, both are perfectly acceptable, and you'll often hear and see both being used. Tenendo conto di questo,, is it more easy or easier? There is no difference between easier or more easy. Easier is a comparative form of easy.

Di Arabelle Holzner

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